Thursday, January 21, 2021

Best online counselling in Lucknow | Therapy | Marriage Counselling | Family counselling

You enter Lucknow and you are greeted by a whiff of that tasty tasty biriyani. The people, food everything about Lucknow is lovely & amazing.

So are marriages in Lucknow. Vibrant Colors, lots of pre & post-wedding rituals, it’s a wonderful ceremony.  Lucknow along with Jaipur are the top cities that host one of the most extravagant wedding ceremonies in India.

Also the amount of family interference & traditions in a culturally inclined place like Lucknow makes it difficult for any couple to talk about problems in marriage let alone attend marriage counseling.  Making Lucknow, a city with one of the most unhappy marriages. Various types of Counseling related to marriage are highly stigmatized & looked down upon in the city.

Marriage Counseling in Lucknow

Things have changed in Lucknow too. Already Marital Relationship in Indian Family is a lot of pressure & with the growing power of the internet, social media it has become even more difficult to keep a marriage alive.

Marriage Counselors in Lucknow point out that this might be the reason why there is a consistent spike in appointments. As one of the top marriage counselors in Venus Marriage Counseling says, most couples find it difficult initially but later realize the power of ‘talking out things’.  Also, note that privacy & anonymity is a big deal in Lucknow. As many find attending marriage counseling a bad thing in their family name.

Talking about family. There is no denying the importance of family counseling in Lucknow when they play such an important role in a couple’s life.

Best marriage counselling

Family Counselor in Lucknow

Unlike In urban cities, most residences in Lucknow have a joint family structure. That means the life of a married couple is entangled with a lot of other family members. So when a couple has problems it creates a tornado effect taking the whole family with it.  Sometimes your family members, their habits, or behavior can be the root cause of your marriage problem

That’s why pre or post-divorce Family counseling gains paramount importance.

FamilyCounselors in Lucknow is trained mental health professionals who allow families to work on their problems in a safe & controlled environment. Esteemed Family Counseling Centers in Lucknow like Venus Counseling handle families with extreme sensitivity, care & empathy.

While pre-divorce family counseling might help to sustain the marriage but most of the time Divorce seems a better option. Divorce is a big step for you & your family. Therefore divorce Counseling is a very important procedure during the separation procedure

Divorce Counseling in Lucknow

Divorce therapy in Lucknow goes beyond the management or settlement; it actually helps the couple to come to terms with their post-divorce reality. Divorce Counselors in Lucknow especially famous ones like Venus Counseling not just help the individual to understand post-divorce responsibilities but also build confidence to look for a newer relationship.

Divorce counselling


Online Counselors in Lucknow deal with a lot of problems like mental stress, drug addiction & so on. Marriage counseling forms just a part of it through a very important one. Newer alternatives like Couple Therapy in Lucknow may have replaced the boring or stigmatized terms like  Marriage Counseling but still, both remain important for any relationship. 

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